If you have a small, spherical lump beneath your skin which refuses to go away on its own, it may be a cyst. While cysts do not typically pose a direct health risk, they can be painful and there is a chance that they will burst, which can lead to infection. The most effective way to remove a cyst is by surgical excision.
The following article provides an introduction to what a cyst is, the most commonly experienced symptoms, the causes, clinical treatments for removing them, an overview of a standard removal procedure, and answers to most frequently asked questions received from patients.
What is a cyst?
Sebaceous cysts are benign (non-cancerous) lumps of fatty tissue that sit just beneath the surface of the skin and contain pockets of air, fluid or semi-fluid material. In most cases, patients will seek to have cysts surgically removed, particularly if they are located in a cosmetically sensitive area or if they cause some degree of physical pain.
If you believe that you may have a cyst, do not poke, pick or attempt to burst it, as doing this may cause infection.
How can you recognise a cyst?
A cyst appears as a small lump beneath the surface of the skin. While many cysts are not painful, they can become inflamed. When the cyst has become agitated, the surrounding skin may take on a reddish hue and feel warm to the touch.
What causes cysts?
There are multiple factors that can cause the formation of sebaceous cysts including:
Blocked hair follicles: Hair follicles are openings in the skin that release oil that is generated by skin glands, but when a follicle becomes blocked, the oils and skin cells become trapped beneath the skin, resulting in the formation of fluid pockets.
Skin injuries: Physical damage to the skin such as cuts, scratches or punctures can prompt the introduction of foreign substances and germs into the skin, increasing the risk of cyst formation.
Genetics: Those with family members who have a history of cysts, are at greater risk of developing cysts themselves.
Medical conditions: those with preexisting skin conditions such as acne, are at a heightened risk of developing sebaceous
How can a cyst be removed?
Sebaceous cyst removal is performed by a doctor and the treatment method used is based on the location, size and type of cyst.
The most common methods of cyst removal include:
This involves the removal of the cyst using a surgical scalpel to create a small incision into the cyst to drain its contents. If the cyst is suitably small and easily accessible, the doctor may elect to remove the contents while leaving the cyst wall in place. However, doing this is not advisable as the cyst will redevelop again, if the cyst wall is not removed. If the cyst has already burst, this treatment method enables the doctor to extract most of the tissue with the cyst and the sack around it.
Surgical excision is the recommended method of removal for a cyst that is fully intact. This concerns the complete removal of the cyst wall and all tissue within it. With excision, the doctor makes an elliptical shaped incision around the site of the cyst, before removing it. Upon removal, the site of the wound is cleaned, before stitches are added to carefully suture the wound shut. Surgical excision is a common removal method for larger sized cysts.
Laser removal
Cyst removal through the use of laser is a relatively new technique and is less invasive than the traditional methods such as surgical incision and excision. Laser technology is able to disintegrate the contents of the cyst without the need for puncturing the skin with a scalpel. The doctor targets the cyst using the precision laser and is able to remove the cyst wall and contents. Laser is most commonly used for smaller sized cysts and those located in cosmetically sensitive locations of the body.
What Will the Doctor Do During the Procedure?
Whether your doctor elects to remove the sebaceous cyst using surgical incision, excision or laser, all cyst removals are considered a minor procedure, and patients can expect to go home on the same day of the surgery. For surgical incision or excision cyst removal, patients can expect the following.
Before surgery begins, your doctor will inspect the cyst and identify the best removal method. The area around the cyst will then be marked out, and a local anaesthetic will be applied to numb the treated area. The anaesthetic injection may trigger a mild stinging sensation.
Following this, an incision on or near the site of the cyst will be made, depending on its size and location. For smaller sized cysts, an incision will be made and the entire contents of the cyst will be extracted. If the cyst is larger in size or extends deeper beneath the skin, a larger incision may be required to remove the sebaceous cyst entirely.
Following the removal of the cyst, the area is sutured together using stitches, which helps the wound to heal. During surgery, some patients may experience minor discomfort about the treated area.
What to Expect After the Procedure
Once the cyst has been removed, there can be pain, discomfort and swelling about the treated area, which will diminish over time. Swelling and bruising can last for up to 4 weeks. Your doctor will provide you with instructions on how to look after the wound, ensuring that the treated area has a chance to fully heal as quickly as possible.
As a rule, all patients who undergo cyst removal should:
- Ensure the treated area remains clean and dry for at least 24 hours following surgery
- Avoid touching the treated area
- Avoid strenuous exercise or activities 1-week post-surgery
- Take medication as prescribed by your doctor to minimise pain and prevent infection
- Avoid swimming or taking baths until the wound has fully healed
- Have follow-up appointments to monitor the healing progress
Frequently Asked Questions about Cyst Removal
How Long Does a Cyst Removal Take?
While cyst removal is a relatively minor surgical procedure, how long it takes will depend on the cyst’s size and location. Cysts that are easily accessible and smaller in size can take as little as 30 minutes to remove, while larger cysts and those that are situated deeper beneath the surface of the skin can take up to 60 minutes or more.
How long is the Recovery Period?
Full recovery typically takes between 2 and 4 weeks. Recovery times depend on the size and location of the cyst, along with the removal method used.
Will the Cyst Grow Back After Removal?
There is a chance that the cyst will return. The risk of recurrence depends on the type of cyst and its underlying cause.
Can Cyst Removal Cause Complications?
Like any surgical procedure, there are risks of complications including infection and bleeding, as well as damage to surrounding healthy tissue and scarring.
Can I Remove My Cyst at Home?
Attempting to pick, squeeze or otherwise remove the cyst on your own, will only aggravate the condition. If the cyst bursts, it creates a greater risk of injection and can cause considerable pain. Beyond this, the cyst will fully redevelop once more, if the cyst wall remains intact. The only solution for safe and effective cyst removal is to consult a doctor.
If you notice a lump beneath the surface of your skin, arrange an appointment with your doctor to have it examined immediately.
Contact Skin Clinic Robina
If you think that you may have a sebaceous cyst and would like to have it examined by a doctor, arrange for an appointment with Skin Clinic Robina today, specialists in sebaceous cyst removal surgery.